Updates to this project have been submitted but not yet approved. Check back later for more current information on this project.



This project is a continuation of multiple phases of the California Tahoe Conservancy's Greenway Multi-Use Trail Project. This segment (1C) will provide for a multi use paved trail from the limits of Herbert Avenue to the limits of Ski Run Boulevard and Pioneer Trail. This CTC Project has been handed off to the City of South Lake Tahoe for study, planning & design, and implementation


Stephen Anderjack (sanderjack@cityofslt.us)
To zoom, hold down the Shift key and drag a rectangle.
Location Information Location Notes
Marker represents southern beginning point of proposed trail


City of South Lake Tahoe (CSLT) Stephen Anderjack - City of South Lake Tahoe (CSLT)

EIP Details

EIP Basics - Dennis Machida Memorial Trail (Greenway Phase 1C)

This project is on the EIP 5-year list.

Transportation Details

Transportation Basics

Transportation Basics
$9,737,500 (Using 2.50% annual inflation)

Estimated Budgets

Estimated Budgets

No budgets have been entered for this project.

Performance Measures

Expected Performance Measures

Expected Performance Measures
Miles of Trails Developed or Improved [Action Performed: Developed] 0.6 miles

Reported Performance Measures

Reported Performance Measures

Reported Performance Measure Accomplishments are not relevant for projects in the Planning/Design stage.


Expected Funding

Expected Funding
($800,000 identified as )

California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC) $800,000 $0 $800,000
City of South Lake Tahoe General Fund (CSLT) $263,000 $263,000 $0
Grand Total $1,063,000 $263,000 $800,000

Reported Expenditures

Reported Expenditures
Total 2024 2023 2022
City of South Lake Tahoe General Fund $48,500 $0 $7,150 $41,350
Grand Total $48,500 $0 $7,150 $41,350



Other Details


No watersheds set for this project.

Threshold Categories

  • Multi modal trail construction
  • Integrated drainage and WQ construction along required points of trail construction

Local and Regional Plans

Related Projects

External Links

No external links entered.


01/09/2023 2:09 PM Jim Marino As of 1/4/23 the city is underway with alignment alternatives. Four alignments have been drafted and preliminary feedback from CTC, Community Mobility Group, Bicycle Advisory Committee, TRPA, and League to Save Lake Tahoe have been received.

City will be working on cost estimates for the proposed alternatives and should be complete by end of Q1 2023
01/14/2022 10:44 AM Jim Marino December 2021 - City of South Lake Tahoe has appropriated $200,000 of ARPA funds towards an alignment feasibility study. This study will provide options to potentially costly and time consuming rights of way acquisition that may be required to support the initial 2011 proposed alignment.

No other funding exists as of 1-15-22 for this project. City staff will be seeking ATP/STBG and other grant sources to support the planning and design element.

The existing environmental document will likely need to be updated to support this project.