2023 Interim Report: Integrated Nearshore Algal Monitoring (in-situ and aerial surveys)

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This report includes descriptions of data collection, processing and findings from in-situ and aerial surveys of nearshore algae in Lake Tahoe between April - Dec. 2023. Eight nearshore sites were surveyed for periphyton (attached algae) on four dates, including in-situ snorkel and dive sampling, and UAV aerial surveys. Eight sites were surveyed for metaphyton (un-attached algae), including dive sampling and UAV aerial surveys, on five dates. Eight helicopter flights were conducted along the entire shoreline within a week of in-situ sampling events. We briefly describe results of data collection from the 2023 sampling events. We also include recommended changes to the sampling design and protocols for year 2 of the monitoring study.

2024 Integrated Algal Monitoring Report