Vehicle Miles Traveled (Threshold Dashboard)
Vehicle Miles Traveled
Intermediate Result
Each Unit (number)
Reduce vehicle miles of travel in the Basin by 10% of the 1981 base year values
This Indicator is reported in the following LT Info areas:
Name Options
Vehicle Miles Traveled For Threshold Dashboard

Program Vehicle Miles Traveled Monitoring


The identification of traffic volumes is a primary component towards tracking mobility with the Tahoe Region. Published traffic volumes are counted annually within the Lake Tahoe Region by both the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) and local governmental jurisdictions. In addition to modeling compliance with the 1981 VMT Threshold, TRPA staff utilized the 1981 base year VMT estimate, and the corresponding traffic count stations that produce annual traffic counts to analyze increases or decreases in VMT.


Associated Programs data not provided.