Miles of Street Sweeping
Mile (miles)
Miles of city, county and state roads that are swept to reduce stormwater pollution during each EIP reporting year as part of regular operations and maintenance procedures. Capital stormwater infrastructure improvement activities are captured by other PMs. Sweeping streets reduces a major source of pollutants in stormwater runoff that flows to Lake Tahoe and works toward reducing clarity loss.
This Indicator is reported in the following LT Info areas:
Miles of Street Sweeping

Environmental Improvement Program

Name Options
Property Ownership
California Department of Transportation, City of South Lake Tahoe, State, Douglas County, El Dorado County
[4 More Options]
Nevada Department of Transportation, Placer County, Washoe County, Tahoe City Public Utility District
Equipment Type
High-Efficiency Vacuum-Assisted Dry Sweeper, Mechanical + Vacuum Sweeper (Tandem), Mechanical Broom, Regenerative Air

No monitoring programs are yet associated with this indicator.

This indicator is related to the following Threshold Reporting Categories. Click the help icon to learn more about a Reporting Category.

Lake Habitat
Stream Habitat
Stream Environment Zone
Aquatic Invasive Species
Deep Water (Pelagic) Lake Tahoe
Nearshore (Littoral) Lake Tahoe
Other Lakes
Surface Runoff
Habitats of Special Significance

Associated Programs data not provided.

Expected Project Accomplishments

Projects may report anticipated accomplishments when they are proposed. Below is a list of all expected project accomplishments identified in the system for this Indicator. Click on a project name to learn more details about the expected and actual reported accomplishments for that project.

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Reported Project Accomplishments

Projects are required to report accomplishments on an annual basis. Below is a list of all reported project accomplishments identified in the system for this Indicator. Click a on project name to learn more details about the expected and actual reported accomplishments for that project.

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