Facilities Improved or Created
Each Unit (number)
The number of educational, recreational, lakefront or transit facilities improved or created in the Tahoe Basin each year. This PM works towards the desired condition of providing recreational opportunities while sustaining Lake Tahoe's natural setting as an outstanding recreational destination. It also measures service provided for educating the public about the unique natural and cultural elements of the Tahoe Basin.
This Indicator is reported in the following LT Info areas:
Facilities Improved or Created

Environmental Improvement Program

Name Options
Primary Purpose of Facility
Education/Interpretation, Lakefront Access, Recreation, Transit
Action Performed
Created, Improved
Primary Facility Type
Buildings & Grounds, Designated Areas, Miscellaneous Structures, Trails & Paths

No monitoring programs are yet associated with this indicator.

This indicator is related to the following Threshold Reporting Categories. Click the help icon to learn more about a Reporting Category.

Fair Share Distribution of Recreation Capacity
Quality of Recreation Experience and Access to Recreational Opportunities

Associated Programs data not provided.

Expected Project Accomplishments

Projects may report anticipated accomplishments when they are proposed. Below is a list of all expected project accomplishments identified in the system for this Indicator. Click on a project name to learn more details about the expected and actual reported accomplishments for that project.

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Reported Project Accomplishments

Projects are required to report accomplishments on an annual basis. Below is a list of all reported project accomplishments identified in the system for this Indicator. Click a on project name to learn more details about the expected and actual reported accomplishments for that project.

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