- Increase SEZ Function by 5%
- Increase SEZ Function by 5%
- Intermediate Result
- Program
- % (%)
- SC13: Attain a 5 percent total increase in the area of naturally functioning SEZ lands.
- Stream Restoration Acres in the Urban and Rural Areas (also expressed as percent of stream environment zone acres restored within the urban and rural context)
- This Indicator is reported in the following LT Info areas:
Acres of SEZ Restored by Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program Partners in the Lake Tahoe Region between 1980 and 2020.
Enhanced – Habitat is considered enhanced when actions are taken that heighten, intensify or improve one or more habitat functions for the benefit of special status species, water quality, property protection, recreation or scenic quality. Enhancements result in a net gain in function but not in area of the aquatic resource.
Restored – Habitat is considered restored when actions have been taken that re-establish or rehabilitate a SEZ with the goal of returning natural or historic functions and characteristics to a degraded SEZ. Restoration actions can rebuild a former SEZ and result in a gain in both SEZ area and function.
Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program Project Tracker (https://eip.laketahoeinfo.org). https://www.laketahoeinfo.org/Indicator/Detail/9/Overview#
Name | Options |
5% Increase Sez Function |
Program SEZ Basin-wide Monitoring and Assessment Plan
SEZ function is evaluated as a function of up to 10 indicators. Details on each indicator and monitoring methods are available in the plan.
Results from the program are comiled on the Lake Tahoe SEZ Viewer: https://gis.trpa.org/TahoeSEZViewer/
Associated Programs data not provided.